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Court Stops Plateau from Engaging Jaiz Bank To Rebuild Burnt Jos Market



A Jos High Court yesterday  granted a perpetual injunction restraining Governor Simon Lalong, the Plateau State Government and the Attorney General of the State from rebuilding the burnt Jos Main Market.

Justice P S Gang in his ruling granted the injunction in a suit which was filed on the 2nd of  August 2022 by a member representing Jos South/Jos East in the House of Representatives, Mr. Dachung Bagos, challenging the planned signing of an MoU with Jaiz Bank to rebuild the Jos Main Market Authority.

Bagos had, through his Counsel Darong Niri, raised four issues for determination before the Court and sought seven reliefs and the court granted all seven reliefs.

Justice Gang in his ruling granted an order of perpetual injunction restraining Governor Simon Lalong, Plateau State Government and the Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice from “running managing building or entering into any agreement or partnership to build any market in Plateau State, particularly the Jos Main Market”.

The Court also granted that the defendants have no powers whatsoever to run, manage, build and enter into any agreement to build or manage any market in Plateau State, particularly the Jos Main Market.

The Judge also granted that any agreement by the Plateau State Governor, Plateau State Government and Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice to build any market in Plateau State and particularly Jos Main Market without complying with the mandatory provisions of sections 31 to 70 of the Plateau State Public-private partnership law, 2017 is “unlawful, illegal, null and void.”

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