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How Not To Be  A Governor: Aiyedatiwa And The Blood Of The Innocents



By: Ayomide Mubarak

“Under their watch, the Sunshine state has become colourless, so much that, in the history of  election in the state, this is the first time , members of the ruling party would defect to the opposition party en-masse and on weekly basis too”

Before now, Ondo State enjoyed a very high commendation, as one of the state’s in the country,  with a standard health delivery system.

Time was when the state won  laurels upon laurels, over it’s solid and enviable health delivery mechanism.

But as usual of the All Peoples Congress (APC), what used to be a bragging right for the state has now become a source of scorn for the supposedly Sun Shine state, whose light has drastically dimmed, in the hand of  it’s present driver, Governor Luck Aiyedatiwa.

Indications that the state may have become a victim of a bad administrator emerged with the collapse of the Mother and Child health care program bequeathed to the APC government by the preceding People’s Democratic Party.

One of the few legacies of the PDP,  which many believed would survive the amateurish and docile government of the APC in the state, was the global standard health facilities,located in Ondo city with complex in Akure, the state capital.

Recent development in the state, especially under the headship of Aiyedatiwa, has however proved that,the  situation with the state’s health system, as it is  with other areas of service may have been  bastardized beyond redemption.

A  father who just lost his son in the Akure facility of the State’s teaching  hospital equivalent, has written a strongly worded and  emotional petition over the death,  indicting the management of the facility and the state over it’s poor handling of institutions in the state.

Demanding justice over the death of his son, the father of the 300-level student of the Federal University, Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) in his petition, described the mess that has become of what should  ordinarily be life saving institutions, but have suddenly become killer institutions, midwife  by a trial and error governor.

Taking the  University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, Akure (UNIMEDTH) where his son died, to the  cleaners, the father, Prince Bola Adebobola, alleged negligence of a consultant doctor at the Ondo State government , as well as other unimaginable occurrences leading to the death.

In the petition, addressed to the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the hospital, Dr Adesina Akintan, and copied to the state Commissioner for Health, Dr Banji Ajaka and the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Adebobola demanded  justice. Registering the gravity of the loss on him, the mourning father expressed his pain and  heart brokenness,  as he narrated that  the consultant assigned to treat his son for malaria didn’t show up until the fourth day of his son’s admission.

Even when he eventually arrived,  the consultant discontinued the treatment being administered on the son by a makeshift personnel  who took up his case when the boy’s laid in the hospital unattended to, and had some non professionals administered blood on the son at night with their  phone touch light when the electricity supply to the hospital went off at night , the solar power panel in  the hospital has also run down while there was no diseal available to power the complex Mikano generator and they have to proceed with the blood transfusion on the young man with their phone touch light (Sad).

Adebobola narrated how the consultant in charge of his son demanded  on request, that he ( the father ) had to arrange for vehicle to attend to his son. The bereaved father said he had to actually arrange for a Uber driver for the consultant to be conveyed to the hospital, to treat his son.

Added to the ridiculous case of the consultant, was the  non functional laboratory gadgets of the hospital and  nonavailability of oxygen  equipments needed to accelerate the son’s recovery as they told the father of the boy that all the oxygen in the hospital has been exhausted and no replacement yet in the hospital as at the time the boy needs it to survive .

As the ailing boy’s situation was becoming hopeless, he was moved  to Mother and Child  hospital on referral, also in Akure where the son got one  but after all these , the young man eventually died at the UNIMED hospital facility because of lack of medical attention.

Indications have since emerged, that the case above, is just one out of many of such avoidable deaths, that have occured but were not amplified  because the victims  have no voice.

It is appalling that with the humongous fund available to the Ondo state government, it could not maintain its health facilities, while insecurity reign supreme, good educational system, transportation, infrastructure are lacking.

Whatever happened  to the beautiful city and clean hygienic  environment bequeathed to the APC, needless one mention again, that equipping health facilities in the state has never been on the mind of the present APC government in Ondo State.

It is important to mention that whatever mess and neglect, institutions in the state may be experiencing now, it only mirrors the lack of  idea and sense of service  on the part of the administrators.

Under their watch, the Sunshine state has become so colourless, so much that, in the history of  election in the state, this is the first time , members of the ruling party would defect to the opposition party en-masse and on weekly basis too.

The message is clear.that the Aiyedatiwa led goverment is a disappointment. That it’s valueless and will be shameful on the part of the people , to  continue to follow one, who does not know what it takes to  represent and serve the people.

Note : The pix of the young boy is attached with this report . 

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